Music for Church Services November 2023
Sunday 5th November
All Saints Day
All-age Service at 10 am
Musical Settings: Sanger
Organist: Lamgie Yip
134 For all the saints
351 Now is eternal life
329 Make way, make way
Psalm 34 Anthems: O taste and see
Sunday 5th November
All Souls Eucharist at 6.30 pm
Musical Settings: Thorne
Organist: Damon Ying
242 Immortal, invisible, God only wise
475 The day Thou gavest
6 Abide with me
Anthem: Russian Kontakion
Sunday 12th November
Remembrance Sunday
Parish Eucharist at 10 am
Musical Settings: Sanger
Organist: Damon Ying
Trumpeter: Anna Ross-Bell
514 Thou whose almighty word
39 As the deer
244 In Christ there is no East or West
177 God save our gracious King
Psalm 70 Anthem: My peace I leave you
Sunday 19th November
Parish Eucharist at 10 am
Musical Settings: Poston
Organist: Damon Ying
174 God of grace and God of glory
312 Lord Jesus, think on me
103 Crown him with many crowns
Psalm: 90 Anthem: Lift up your heads
Sunday 26th November
Parish Eucharist at 10 am
Musical Settings: Sanger
Organist: Tim Hooper
432 Rejoice the Lord is king
513 Thou didst leave thy throne
81 Christ triumphant
Psalm: 95 Anthem: God be in my head