The parish church of central Finchley
26 Hendon Lane, Finchley, London N3 1TR

Join us in church on Sundays at 8am & 10am, or online at 7pm

Sunday Services

8am: Holy Communion
A said service of Holy Communion in traditional language.

10am Parish Eucharist
Our main Sunday morning service is a sung Eucharist with choir. Junior Church for primary school children also takes place at this time (see ‘Youth & Children’ for details). This service is followed by coffee and refreshments in the Large Hall.

6pm: Evening Service
A quiet service of evening prayer or prayers for healing.
Occasionally concerts or special services take place at this time.

stmary at finchley 271019 8851
Hearts & Minds (a)

Midweek Services

9am, Monday-Friday: Morning Prayer

5pm, Monday-Thursday: Evening Prayer
Join us for the official prayer of the church, twice daily during the week.

11am, Wednesdays: Holy Communion (Prayerbook)
Our most popular midweek service.

Occasional offices

To discuss arrangements for weddings, baptisms or funerals, please contact the Rector, Philip Davison.

Flower arranging


Many people are entitled to get married at their local church, and a church wedding need not be expensive or complicated.

The Church of England have an official website for church weddings at

Baptismal font


Baptism marks the beginning of life with Jesus Christ, and entry into the church of God.



As Christians, we approach death in the hope granted by Jesus’ resurrection.

If you have been bereaved, and need someone to talk to, please also get in touch with Philip or any of our clergy.