Lent 2024

We are standing on the threshold of one of the most important liturgical seasons of the Christian year – Lent
Click here to download Lent Leaflet
Traditionally, it is commemorated as a time for “giving things up” and is often marked by church and non church goers alike. In many countries, “Fat Tuesday” or “Shrove Tuesday” is also celebrated as Mardi Gras with extravagant parades and marching bands.
Many years ago, Pancake Day, as it was more commonly known, was marked every year in our church hall.
I remember the beautiful aroma coming from the kitchen as our team of cooks prepared the tasty treats. We all feasted royally, knowing that the following day, many of us would be starting a fast from indulging in our favourite foods. Every year, I hoped the Lenten fast would cure my addiction to chocolate. It never did.
The following evening, Ash Wednesday, we queued to have our foreheads marked with a cross from the ashes of the palm crosses carried in the Palm Sunday procession the previous week. Lent is traditionally a time of reflection, prayer and study and courses will be held at our church starting on Tuesday’s from the 27th of February.
Sunday afternoon Lenten studies with Churches Together in Finchley will take place at Trinity Church, Nether Street, N12 7NN between 4pm and 5.30pm on Sunday, February18 and 25 and March 3 and 10. Look forward to seeing many friends there.
– Lynn Radnedge