Concert: Helen’s 6 hour Buskathon!

Want to join Helen and friends in making a difference?
She’s raising money for St Mary-at-Finchley’s community project by collecting sponsorship for a Buskathon on Saturday 24 August 10am – 4pm at St Mary-at-Finchley Parish Church, 26 Hendon Lane N3 1TR
Helen Skelton (recorders, flute) and friends will play for 6 hours -details below – you can drop in at any time to enjoy the music!
How to send in your money If you collect in cash, it is easiest for us if you pay this into your own bank account and then make a donation of the total through our credit/debit card option by using this link. You could also give this link directly to sponsors. A hard copy sponsorship form can be found here
- Vingt Trois Pieces Recreatives for Flute (selection) – Henri Gagnebin
- Selection of folk tunes from the United Kingdom (flute/recorders)
- Selection of Renaissance and Medieval Music – various sources
- Selection of Van Eyck Pieces contained in the collection known as ‘Der Fluyten Lust-hof’
Favourite Flute Solos to include:
- Sonata in A moll – CPE Bach
- Syrinx – Debussy
- Partita – J S Bach
- Danse de la Chevre – Honegger
- Selection from 12 Fantasias – Teleman
12:50 till 13.10 Lunch
Flute Duets with Sally Cassie
- A selection of our favourite pieces from Duets for Flute vol 1 and 2 by Voxman, including music by Devienne, Haydn and Kummer.
14.10 Favourite recorder solos including pieces by:
- Maute, Hans Martin Linde, JS Bach and Zara Clarke.
15.00 Flute Duets with Thady Cooney.
A selection of duets to include music by:
- Richard Rodney Bennet, Cambini, Mozart, Beethoven, Mendelssohn and Cardel.
16.00 End (and visit to a local place of refreshment!)
Helen Skelton returned to playing the flute and various recorders in 2018 after a very long break to focus on her family and Civil Service career. Under the guidance of her recorder teacher, Andrew Collis and flute teacher, Ya-Zheng (Judy) Chen MA, RAM she achieved distinction in the Advanced Certificate for recorder and also for flute. She plays with Camden Light Orchestra and attends the North London Society of Recorder Players. She lives in Finchley with her long suffering family and two cats.
If you have any questions, please contact
All funds raised go to support the Give me shelter! Church and Churchyard Project at St Mary-at-Finchley Parish Church, 26 Hendon Lane, Finchley, London. N3 1TR
Our charity name is: The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Finchley.
Charity Number: 1131595.
We are very grateful for your support!