The parish church of central Finchley
26 Hendon Lane, Finchley, London N3 1TR

Join us in church on Sundays at 8am & 10am, or online at 7pm

From Messy Science in 2020…

messy sciencespectrum 2plasticine 2 Messy Pancake Day, Tuesday 16th February 2021

Messy Pancake Day is a new online event for February half-term.

It will include pancake-making and other arts and crafts, music and storytelling.

You can take part in Messy Pancake Day at home! All activities will be explained over Zoom, and we will let you know in advance what materials and ingredients you will need.*

*This will include pancakes ingredients (flour, eggs, milk, oil) plus some basic craft materials. If you would like to attend but would struggle to obtain these, please let us know as soon as possible (

How to take part

You can register for this event by emailing us ( with:

  • Name
  • Age
  • Contact email
  • Contact phone number
  • (Optional) Where you heard about Messy Pancake Day

Please note that, for health & safety reasons, young people participating in Messy Pancake Day will need to be accompanied by an adult in the room.

pancake marlowe

gathering together a few ingredients…