The parish church of central Finchley
26 Hendon Lane, Finchley, London N3 1TR

Join us in church on Sundays at 8am & 10am, or online at 7pm

Why we ask for donations

We receive no public funding or church funding for our community and our building. That’s why we have to ask for donations and it’s vitally important if we are to continue here in Finchley. Our costs include over £90,000 for the provision of clergy, their housing and central Diocese of London costs. We have to pay to insure our buildings and our church building is a Grade II* listed building. We need to pay for energy, office costs and other church expenditure such as music, services, flowers and so on. In addition, but fundamental to our mission, we need to find money to support those in need around us and those engaged in supporting Christian communities around the world.

We are asking for financial support for two reasons

General Giving

One Off Donation

You can make a one-off donation to St Mary’s online via Give a Little. You will be able to add Gift Aid if you are a taxpayer. Just follow the links below:

Donate Now

You can also donate via a bank transfer. Our bank details are Account No: 37543784 Sort Code 60-08-20 (St Mary-at-Finchley Church Fund Account). Please mark your donation General if you are giving for General Giving. If you are a UK taxpayer St Mary’s can claim Gift Aid on your donation, increasing your donation at no expense to you. Find a Gift Aid form attached here. When completed, please send your form to

Regular Giving

Regular members of our congregation are encouraged to give regularly, whether weekly, monthly or annually. If you want to set up a standing order from your bank account to St Mary’s, our bank account and the link to the Gift Aid form are shown in the paragraph above. Obtain a standing order form from your bank or Patricia Bagster and then tell her when you have completed it and sent it off to your bank.

If you wish to join the Parish Giving scheme, which makes administration easy for us, please go to the Parish Giving Website

If you have any queries, ask Patricia Bagster who is at

Lent Collection: Dementia Club UK

For Lent we are collecting for this local charity.

Donate to Dementia Club UK fund

You can also donate via bank transfer. Our bank details are: Account No 37543784, Sort Code 60-08-20 (St Mary at Finchley Church Fund Account).  Please use the reference Dementia for this donation, to distinguish it from other purposes.

Alternatively use the link here.


Church and Churchyard Appeal

We are currently seeking to raise money to cover the cost of much-needed repairs to the church roof and improvement of the churchyard. You can find lots of information about this project by clicking here.


You can also donate via bank transfer. Our bank details are: Account No. 37543784, Sort Code 60-08-20 (St Mary-at-Finchley Church Fund Account). If you are donating to the Church and Churchyard Appeal, please use the reference CHandCHYARD.


We would be grateful if you could give us a legacy in your will. All you need to do is tell your professional who advises you on your will to include one of the following two clauses:

  1. Pecuniary Legacy

I give the sum of ……………..pounds (£…) free of all taxes to the PCC of the parish of St Mary-at-Finchley in the Diocese of London for General Funds, and I declare the receipt of an officer of the PCC shall be a sufficient discharge to my executors and trustees.

  1. Residuary Legacy

I give …percent (…%) of my residuary estate free of all taxes to the PCC of the parish of St Mary-at-Finchley in the Diocese of London for General Funds, and I declare the receipt of an officer of the PCC shall be a sufficient discharge to my executors and trustees.